
蓋婭社企跟SEED Philippines Inc.(SEED), Philippine Society for Public Administration(PSPA)的認識,已經五年了!

SEED是菲律賓相當具指標社會企業GK enchanted farm體系下的機構,致力於糧食安全、青年創業與翻轉貧窮等社會議題,目前已經照顧了菲律賓偏鄉近2000個村落。也因為目前氣候變遷等環境與健康議題加劇,他們也快速地加快腳步進行影響力的擴大、幫助到更多人。

台灣蓋婭社會企業會努力發揮H.E.A.L.解方提供者的角色,將專長與熱帶/亞熱帶農業運營經驗與技術,化為教育、陪伴的能量,以虛實整合方式,快速建立氣候變遷下的食安與健康網絡,串起跨國one health全人健康產業鍊!

Sustainable, Resilience, Food Security.No one can reach this goes along. So that’s the reason why we need neighbors, we definitely need partners.

With SEED and PSPA, we cooperate with each other to reach a better regional prosperity.

There is an old saying in our our tradition we call we said Norway goal, but agriculture is the basis of the nation. I believe I’m going to is the basis of everything. No matter for industry or any industry, any nations. Food and Agriculture should be the priority. So let us break the border, cooperate with each other to reach a better future life, better world for our next generation.

Excited for all the miracles that will be made in 2023!

#AgriGaia #蓋婭輕漢方 #漢方 #蓋婭濃萃 #蓋婭農場 #社會企業 #丹參 #ESG #SDGs #永續農業 #綠色理念 #環保節能 #ESG永續商品 #綠色理念商品


